Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend The French are glad to die for love 法国人乐于为爱而死 They delight in fighting duels 他们热衷于决斗争胜 But I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels 但我喜欢一个活着的男人给我赠送昂贵的珠宝 A kiss on the hand may be quite continental 吻手礼或许很有欧洲情调 But diamonds are a girl's best friend 但钻石才是女孩最好的朋友 A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat, or help you at the automat 一个吻也许很美妙,但它不能支付你简陋公寓的租金或在收款机前帮上忙 Men grow cold as girls grow old 当女孩变得衰老时,男人变得冷酷。 And we all lose our charms in the end 而且我们最终将失去魅力 But square-cut or pear-shaped 当身材变得干瘪或肥胖时 These rocks don't lose their shape 只有这种石头不会改变它们的形状 Diamonds are a girl's best friend 钻石是女孩最好的朋友 Tiffany's ... Cartier ... Black Star, Frost Gorham Talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it! 蒂凡尼 卡地亚 Black Starr! Frost Gorham! 告诉我 Harry Winston (珠宝品牌) 告诉我关于这所有的一切 There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer 女孩可能有需要律师的时候 But diamonds are a girl's best friend 但钻石是女孩最好的朋友 There may come a time when a hard-boiled employer thinks you're awful nice 当苛政的老雇主称赞你十分优秀的时候 But get that ice or else no dice 那就要冷静否则就会徒劳一场 (no dice没有骰子:徒劳;无用的意思.) He's your guy when stocks are high 当股票价高时他是你的人 But beware when they start to descend 但小心它们随时跌下来 It's then that those louses go back to their spouses 那些虱子就会溜回他们配偶的身边 Diamonds are a girl's best friend 钻石是女孩最好的朋友 I've heard of affairs that are strictly platonic 我听说有些恋爱是纯粹的柏拉图式 But diamonds are a girl's best friend 但钻石是女孩最好的朋友 And I think affairs that you must keep liaisonic are better bets if little pets get big baggettes 我认为你必须握有最好的赌注,那么小宠物就会得到大收获 Time rolls on and youth is gone 时光逝去,青春不再 And you can't straighten up when you bend 一旦你背脊弯曲,就不能再直起来 But stiff back or stiff knees 不管是僵直的背还是僵硬的膝盖 You stand straight at Tiffany's 一进蒂凡尼你就会精神焕发 Diamonds, diamonds 钻石,钻石 I don't mean rhinestones 我不是指水晶人造 But diamonds are a girl's best, best friend 只有钻石才是女孩最好的朋友