Merry Christmas, Here's to Many More Merry christmas heres to many more 圣诞快乐送给更多的人 I made it through the year and I did not even collapse 我在送给被人的祝福中过完这一年,不过我还不至于崩溃 Gotta say,"Thank God,for that" 不得不说:“关于那件事,我感谢上帝,” I'm torn between what keeps me whole and what tears me in half 我在完整和破裂中被撕成两半 I'll fall apart or stay intact 我将崩溃或者停留在原封不动 With tired eyes I stumble back to bed 眼睛的疲惫让我我倒回床上 I need to realize my sorry life's not hanging by a thread 我需要意识到我一塌糊涂的生活没有走上轨道 At least not yet 至少现在还没有 So look at me now 所以现在看看我 Its finally Christmas and I'm home 这是最后的圣诞节而我在家里 Head indoors,to get out of this weather 面朝室内,去逃避这个天气 And I don't know how 我不知如何是好 But the closest friends I've ever known are all inside 但我所知道的最亲近的朋友们全都在家里 Singing together 一起歌唱 Singing merry Christmas,here's to many more 一起歌唱圣诞快乐,送给更多的人 It always hurt to be all by myself this time of year 每年的这个时候我总是为孤独的自己心痛 A cold and lonely Christmas eve 一个寒冷而又孤寂的平安夜 And living out my days alone 在外的日子里我很孤单 Well that had been my deepest fear 好吧这曾经的确是我最恐惧的 But you promised you won't leave 但你曾保证不会离我而去 I look towards the east and see a star 我向东方望去,看见一颗星星 Jesus Christ,it's blessed my life to know just who you are 耶稣基督,保佑我的人生,让我知道你是谁 You are my hope 你是我的希望 So look at me now 所以现在看看我 Its finally Christmas and I'm home 这是最后的圣诞节而我在家里 Head indoors,to get out of this weather 面朝室内,去逃避这个天气 And I don't know how 我不知如何是好 But the closest friends I've ever known are all inside 但我所知道的最亲近的朋友们全都在家里 Singing together 一起歌唱 Singing merry Christmas,here's to many more 一起歌唱圣诞快乐,送给更多的人 Deck the halls with mistletoe 用槲寄生(一种常用作圣诞节室内悬挂的植物)装点大厅 May all your heavy burdens go 也许你所有沉重的负担都会消失 Up the chimney in a cloud of smoke 烟囱上烟雾缭绕 The fire's burning bright 火焰燃烧的十分明亮 Strike up the band and play the tune Cause Christmas will be here and soon 乐队开始演奏,弹拨着旋律 You'll hear our song in every room 因为圣诞马上将要来到 你们将随处都可以听到我们的歌曲 This merry Christmas night 就在这个圣诞快乐的夜晚 Singing merry Christmas,here's to many more 一起歌唱圣诞快乐,送给更多的人