爱欲に埋もれた 阿婆擦れのDREAM 无用な体を 贪りなさい 丑恶と化した 孤独なGIRL 滴る泪は 悲叹 SO SAD Yeah it's my life Let's forget about the past But if god saw gained an insight in my heart Sing to me a lullaby as I can sleep yeah 愚考の牢狱 行き场所が无い 自由を求めて おやすみなさい Yeah it's my life Let's forget about the past But if god saw gained an insight in my heart Sing to me a lullaby as I can sleep yeah 孤独な LITTLE GIRL 悲叹 SO SAD 孤独な LITTLE GIRL おやすみなさい Yeah it's my life Let's forget about the past But if god saw gained an insight in my heart Sing to me a lullaby as I can sleep yeah But if god saw gained an insight in my heart Sing to me a lullaby as I can sleep yeah