[00:00.000] 作词 : JSore [00:01.000] 作曲 : JSore [00:07.367]编曲:Stunnah [00:14.031]I working day and night [00:16.103]day and night [00:17.815]不可能被击败 替代 [00:21.039]I just wanna stay and fight [00:23.248]stay and fight [00:25.104]也一直都会在 会爱 [00:28.840]I working day and night [00:31.016]day and night [00:32.560]不可能被击败 替代 [00:35.680]I just wanna stay and fight [00:38.312]stay and fight [00:39.976]也一直都会在 会爱 [00:43.181]I never give up [00:44.021]我还是沉睡在梦境里 [00:45.405]从来没有一刻丢下过我的笔 [00:47.493]无数次的 困兽之斗 [00:48.893]四面楚歌也和命运抗争到底 [00:51.301]太多的问题 慢慢被问及 [00:53.021]人心逐渐开始麻木 [00:54.957]谁不想瞬移 离开这困局 [00:56.773]万般无奈分身乏术 [00:58.341]孤单会如影随形 电闪雷鸣 [01:00.917]难得停下脚步却被告知违停 [01:02.701]步步为营 难以为情 [01:04.685]成年人的生活方式怎样为赢 [01:06.733]跪在十字架前忏悔 [01:08.581]嘴里却说着赞美 [01:10.261]带上了丑陋的面具 [01:12.013]多么虚伪 [01:12.565]原来你我皆非善类 [01:13.869]I working day and night [01:15.301]day and night [01:16.869]不可能被击败 替代 [01:19.981]I just wanna stay and fight [01:22.621]stay and fight [01:24.245]也一直都会在 会爱 [01:27.453]I working day and night [01:29.979]day and night [01:31.595]不可能被击败 替代 [01:34.652]I just wanna stay and fight [01:37.364]stay and fight [01:39.091]也一直都会在 会爱 [01:42.020]I never give up [01:49.556]I never give up [01:57.732]不知道你是否已经看到他们 [01:59.851]嘴里所谓史无前例中国说唱黄金年代 [02:01.323]我知道你必定也看到了他们 [02:02.947]灵魂空洞污浊不堪随便就把文化贱卖 [02:05.003]你说这是上 帝的第七章 [02:06.579]可是我在这温饱 世界里饥荒 [02:08.779]如今炎黄子孙 龙的传人 全开始比西装 [02:12.276]当老鼠的救世主成为了猫 [02:14.356]人类的批判者成为了妖 [02:16.179]散文和诗歌 文人和墨客 [02:17.939]被用来 比谁分考得高 [02:19.828]再来当中庸之道成为非此即彼 [02:21.867]当百家争鸣遭到王权洗礼 [02:23.651]罢黜了糟粕 也把前人努力 [02:25.827]变得不堪一击 [02:26.955]在庄周梦境里游离 [02:29.051]发现身处盛世琉璃 [02:30.843]无独有偶温故知新 [02:32.548]竟被世人痛骂抄袭 [02:34.508]那些不明事理的人喜欢站队 [02:36.859]不分青红皂白无知无罪 [02:38.675]失败者管不住自己的嘴 [02:40.476]流量的时代是进还是退 [02:42.091]I working day and night [02:43.895]day and night [02:45.471]不可能被击败 替代 [02:48.673]I just wanna stay and fight [02:51.329]stay and fight [02:52.865]也一直都会在 会爱 [02:55.905]I working day and night [02:58.593]day and night [03:00.281]不可能被击败 替代 [03:03.409]I just wanna stay and fight [03:05.929]stay and fight [03:07.673]也一直都会在 会爱 [03:10.649]I never give up [03:18.239]I never give up [03:41.677]