Best Better Ever 2018COSMO时尚美丽盛典主题曲 英文词English Lyrics by:陈璨璨 中文词Chinese Lyrics by:陈粒 作曲Composed by:陈粒 编曲Music Arranged by:许蔚天/于杨悠然 Hey girl don't lose your mind You will be fine After the drowsy night They say that love is blind He leads you to the left But it can't be right alright All the passing people After all they come and go What they talk and what they do I don't even have a clue If you wanna be adored Wake up make up and dress up Nothing to do with cheering them up Hold to the core of cosmo Ah ah I've been aching I'm in danger Just save me from drowning in You ou No matter what they judge you by Hold to the core of cosmo 踏着闪耀星辰铺开的路 我昂首阔步 我听说路的尽头有一扇门 里面是更健康 洁净的生活 有更好的水和更美丽的波纹 我于是昂首阔步 途中也犹豫过 害怕更好的未必更好 但是脚下的星辰闪耀啊 所以我还是昂首阔步 我最终抵达终点 推开那扇门 我发现 里面所有的人 都是我 I'll make you satisfy No sacrifice You can keep all the pride As long as you're by my side Everything can be bright Like a diamond shine and shine All the passing people After all they come and go What they talk and what they do I don't even have a clue If you wanna be adored Wake up make up and dress up Nothing to do with cheering them up Hold to the core of cosmo Ah ah I've been aching I'm in danger Just save me from drowning in You ou No matter what they judge you by Hold to the core of cosmo Ah ah I've been aching I'm in danger Just save me from drowning in You ou No matter what they judge you by Hold to the core of cosmo 制作人Produced by:许蔚天 键盘&合成器Keyboard &Synth by:许蔚天 吉他&贝斯Guitars &Bass by:于杨悠然 人声录音师Vocal Recorded by:李卓@ TC Faders 人声录音棚Vocal Recording Studio:徐赫力音乐工作室 音乐编辑Audio Edited by:李宗远@TC Faders 混音制作&母带工程Mixed &Mastered by:周天澈@TC Faders 出品:北京有此山文化传媒有限公司 出品人/总策划:奚韬