It’s so hot. 我好热啊 The sun shines down on a flower. 火热的太阳晒着小花, The flower lowers its head. 小花低下头。 The sun shines down on the grass. 火热的太阳晒着小草, They bend their bodies down. 小草弯下腰。 Then comes a big elephant. 大象走来咚咚咚, Swinging his trunk. 挥动鼻子。 Putting his long trunk into the river. 长长的鼻子伸进小河, He draws all the water up. 吸干了河水。 Raising the long trunk above his head. 长长的鼻子高高举起, He spouts the water out 喷出了小雨。 The rain’s falling on the ground. 小雨下呀滴滴答, It’s so cool. 好清凉。 Mr. Elephant’s trunk is awesome. 大象先生的鼻子真是太厉害了, Look! 看! The flowers and grass are dancing. 小花小草在跳舞呢! We are very hot too 我们也很热, Please let the rain fall on us. 给我们也来点雨吧! Putting his long trunk into the river. 长长的鼻子伸进小河, He draws all the water up. 吸干了河水。 Raising the long trunk above his head. 长长的鼻子高高举起, He spouts the water out. 喷出了小雨。 The rain’s falling on the ground. 小雨下呀滴滴答 It’s so cool. 好清凉 Look! 看! There is a rainbow in the sky. 天上还有彩虹呢! "