奇妙能力歌 英文版 Wonder(Cover 陈粒) 作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 Hello 大家好 这里是MelodyC2E 一群上海外国语大学学生 每周翻译一首中文歌 坚持一段押一个韵 希望全世界的人都能感受到中文歌曲的美 更多英文版中文歌 欢迎关注微信公众号MelodyC2E Wonder 奇妙能力歌 翻译:何广泰 陈路云 演唱:苏奕璇 I've seen in desert it pouring hard. 我看过沙漠下暴雨 Have seen the ocean kissing a shark. 看过大海亲吻鲨鱼 Have seen (the) dusk going through the dark. 看过黄昏追逐黎明 Haven't seen you. 没看过你 I always know beauty can't endure. 我知道美丽会老去 Beyond these lives there must be more. 生命之外还有生命 The breeze would have the verse stored. 我知道风里有诗句 I don't know you. 不知道你 I've heard deserts kicked off carnivals 我听过荒芜变成热闹 Have heard ashes buried a castle 听过尘埃掩埋城堡 The sky told the birds its refusal 听过天空拒绝飞鸟 Never heard of you 没听过你 I realize these are pretty bubbles 我明白眼前都是气泡 Realize silence is antidote 安静的才是苦口良药 Realize what can please my soul 明白什么才让我骄傲 But you're a riddle 不明白你 I refuse the moon I used to own 我拒绝更好更圆的月亮 Refuse insanity unknown 拒绝未知的疯狂 Refuse to modify my tone 拒绝声色的张扬 Can't refuse you 不拒绝你 I seemed like a desolate moor 我变成荒凉的景象 Became indifferent and bored 变成无所谓的模样 Turned into an invisible wall 变成透明的高墙 Still I can't be you 没能变成你 I have heard echoes from nothing 我听过空境的回音 Have heard the butte was greened by rain 雨水浇绿孤山岭 Have heard secrets that caused my pain 听过被诅咒的秘密 Never heard of you 没听过你 I pieced up fragmented desires 我抓住散落的欲望 Odor of affection made me shy 缱绻的馥郁让我紧张 I seized time that was about to fly 我抓住时间的假象 But I lost your signs 没抓住你 I can stand stream frozen in summer 我包容六月清泉结冰 Can face my aging years 包容暮老的生命 I tolerate doubts here and there 包容世界的迟疑 You are differed 没包容你 I forgot I was on (a) lonely island 我忘了置身濒绝孤岛 Tears were expired medicine 忘了眼泪不过失效药 I forgot the nonsense slogan 忘了百年无声口号 Failed to forget you 没能忘记你 I want a rounder and brighter moon 我想要更好更圆的月亮 Want something new and cool 想要未知的疯狂 Refuse to be a humble fool 想要声色的张扬 And I long for you 我想要你