[00:03.92]Together Or Not [00:06.05] [00:07.83]-----V-Band [00:10.58] [00:12.37]You knew that's all [00:16.37]若这就是你知道的一切 [00:20.31]I said that's all [00:24.31]那必定是我曾对你的诉说 [00:28.43]We will lose for more [00:31.43]失去的还将会更多 [00:34.74]I gotta walk away [00:37.74]而我 就这样走开 [00:39.54]And keep falling slowly [00:41.54]持续 缓慢的降落 [00:44.43]Well,you made it right [00:48.43]好吧 你是对的 [00:52.45]And were always right [00:56.45]而且一直以来 都是对的 [01:00.43]We can make a choice [01:03.43]也许我们做出的选择 [01:06.92]To find the way [01:08.92]能是你我新的开始 [01:11.02]And we could back past dream [01:14.02]哪怕任何的希望 让我们不再错过 [01:16.41]But how do i forgive [01:18.91]可是原谅 要如何选择 [01:21.60]ooh my sweet [01:23.60]我爱的人 [01:24.92]When you pull in my fate [01:28.92]当你的船在我的心港停泊 [01:32.73]I will take you back today [01:34.73]让我带你回到今天吧 [01:37.34]ooh,my sweet [01:39.34]我爱的人 [01:40.84]If we still have the same... [01:43.84]假如这里还会有熟悉飘过 [01:48.40]All the things have been gone [01:52.40]所有的东西都已消失 [01:56.42]Maybe never come [02:00.42]像是 一切从来没有过 [02:04.44]We’ve been waiting too long [02:08.44]而那些等待 真的太久 [02:10.79]So i do that [02:12.79]所以我才会这样 [02:14.94]For you don't get me wrong [02:17.94]只为了你能更加明白我 [02:20.43]Then do you have belief? [02:24.43]那么你还信吗 [02:28.36]That we will keep the craving [02:32.36]我们还会继续奢求吗 [02:36.40]The same doubt seems like a game [02:40.40]同样的疑问 像游戏般玩弄你我 [02:42.81]That's we both have [02:44.81]让我们共有 [02:47.22]And nothing else will do [02:50.22]然而无济于事 就算做得再多 [02:52.74]But how do I forget [02:54.74]可是 要怎样去学会遗忘啊 [02:57.42]My darling [02:59.42]我的爱人 [03:00.84]When trees losing their dress [03:05.84]在这时光中 飘零叶落 [03:08.73]How I wish you could come back [03:10.73]多希望你能回头啊 [03:13.46]My darling [03:15.26]我的爱人 [03:17.01]If we still have the love that left... [03:21.01]若我们仍有怆然的情殇遗落 [03:24.49]nah nah nah... [03:31.05] [03:36.59] [03:47.46] [03:56.83]But how do i forget [03:58.83]可是 要怎样去学会遗忘啊 [04:01.46]My darling [04:03.46]我的爱人 [04:04.90]When trees losing their dress [04:08.90]在这时光中 飘零叶落 [04:09.89]When you want it [04:11.69]你也一定不想吧 [04:12.69]How I wish you could come back [04:14.69]多希望你能回头啊 [04:17.40]My darling [04:19.40]我的爱人 [04:20.77]If we still have the love that left... [04:24.77]若我们仍有怆然的情殇遗落 [04:29.39]nah nah nah... [04:32.48] [04:39.14]“爱 恨 离 别 挣扎 徘徊 不却的辛酸…… [04:45.47]当时光不在,那些曾以为的不该, [04:51.26]在一切结束后,才惊觉, [04:54.06]这情早已深入骨髓, [04:56.94]就像忽然丢失了血液的另一半 [04:59.88]复杂且纠缠。 [05:02.93]多年以后,当你我的双鬓都已覆盖白雪, [05:08.55]你是否还会叫我宝贝? [05:15.58]而那昔日的芬芳, [05:18.90]是否又会让你我一再追忆 缠绵。 [05:23.59]也许,终有那么一天, [05:28.04]我们都将消逝不在, [05:34.42]但,爱,依旧是那片----灯火阑珊。。。” [05:40.43]