[00:00.000] 作词 : SwordsAndWalk [00:00.501] 作曲 : 彭正赫Tycoon [00:01.03]歌手兼作词:闫桐熙 张楚涵 程俊智 [00:07.47]作曲:EightPark [00:15.65]凌晨三点半我还没有睡 [00:17.64]给我的杯子里面加点咖啡因 [00:19.31]fake不搭眼看 [00:20.23]全部都后退 [00:21.14]我写歌词从来不加什么冰可乐 [00:23.14]我大把时间努力击退黑暗 [00:24.55]我和我的兄弟全球演出全部坐满 [00:26.43]头脑开始扩展 [00:27.38]从小耳濡目染 [00:28.25]黑怕让我走到五湖四海全是伙伴 [00:30.67]make money要自己赚 [00:32.33]想要突破,收获,要给自己看 [00:34.24]为何下笔给自己看 [00:35.91]想要活下做大还得自己干 [00:38.00]拥有必胜信念战胜黑暗 [00:39.35]我和我的兄弟说唱圈的全部伙伴 [00:41.27]全部安排妥善飞到大洋左岸 [00:43.07]表面默然,其实内心已经泛起波澜 [00:45.42]你们爬开还想把我打败 [00:47.11]我根本不用张口就能把你圈开 [00:49.02]你在发呆,我们依然发财 [00:50.84]努力让我不用练就腹肌八块 [00:52.73]住在城市身边都是朋友 [00:54.52]你绞尽脑汁,结果头发慢慢发白。 [00:56.42]坐在街上喜欢畅饮独自 [00:58.22]我今晚都要喝到最高 [01:00.12]抓了个fake,抓了个hater [01:01.86]身后的faker们不断地追着 [01:03.74]抓了个fake,抓了个hater [01:05.56]我实力都早已经超你五倍 [01:07.40]我想要的东西都全在走诶 [01:09.22]我手起刀落发现无名鼠辈 [01:11.08]你夜不能寐说话狼心狗肺 [01:12.94]你撕心裂肺表情欲哭无泪 [01:16.81] i saw people hating when i was flying [01:20.53]anyone who brings me to christmas Island [01:24.20]I don’t wanna blame cause I’m not a faggot [01:27.87]We’re gonna make it and This is ride or die [01:31.57] i saw people hating when i was flying [01:35.28]anyone who brings me to christmas Island [01:38.97]I don’t wanna blame cause I’m not a faggot [01:42.65]We’re gonna make it and This is ride or die [01:46.35]看我用激光 [01:47.14]劈碎你们的希望 [01:48.26]还击的能量像星球的碰撞 [01:50.03]请放弃抵抗 [01:50.82]这是我们的主场 [01:51.72]你们在这里拿不到半个奖ei [01:53.75]不忘记信仰 [01:54.50]不学葛优躺 [01:55.43]我的money like烟花空中绽放(啦啦啦啦) [01:57.46]在flow沙场 [01:58.34]哥们儿都辉煌 [01:59.24]劝你们签下生死状chop [02:01.14]当个faker什么 [02:02.07]颠倒一次沙漏 [02:02.99]瞬间发现俩头(两人头) [02:04.81]抓到他们发抖 [02:05.73]真的无法忍受 [02:06.70]满嘴6666(666) [02:08.50]娘炮和假货全都堵在在虫卵里面歌词像漫威之父斯坦老李头 [02:12.35]客串在全宇宙里面当个观察者来看破他们那些老掉牙的破flow [02:15.91]不要怀疑我就是打假大队那远近闻名的大领袖 [02:19.59]那些喷子大声地叫就像吉娃娃对狮王大声的吼 [02:23.27]自以为他是灭霸带着吃龙虾的塑料手套打星球 [02:26.96]其实自己就是社会人盘中小到看不见的花生豆 [02:30.68]永远别说自己不 行 [02:32.09]hip hop道路? 就是这么崎岖不 平 [02:33.87]这个东西?? 代表我的衣食住 行 hei [02:35.72]真假不分~~~~~心知肚明 [02:37.60]想要东西自己努力才能得的到 [02:39.44]社会圈子险恶随时都要准备好 [02:41.32]不要像个过街老鼠钻进下水道 [02:42.99]兄弟都成功而你只能强颜欢笑 [02:47.22] i saw people hating when i was flying Im in China Skr [02:50.89]anyone who brings me to christmas Island This is rapper Swag [02:54.55]I don’t wanna blame cause I’m not a faggot Im a rider [02:58.26]We’re gonna make it and This is ride or die like i m never [03:01.97] i saw people hating when i was flying Im in China Skr Skr Skr [03:05.63]anyone who brings me to christmas Island This is rapper Swag [03:09.37]I don’t wanna blame cause I’m not a faggot Im a rider [03:12.98]We’re gonna make it and This is ride or die like i m never a boy.Hoot you skr. [03:17.61]I’m a product of Eminem.Who the drop could you bother when I’m creating [03:21.03]the masterpiece.My expertise checks out when you’re bothering. [03:24.35]Dedicated to the “R” to the “W A”.And now.Where the drop are you?Rappers.Eyy. [03:28.17]I’m not gonna stop it and drop it and Imma keep on rocking till doctor can’t operate.Yeah. [03:32.43]Verses are too short to waste it.And life as well.I ain’t got no time.So don’t sit around just playing with it. [03:36.03]Kicking me.Wait.What I’m gonna do?Uhh.Gotta pick it up.I’m smashing you.Standing on top. [03:39.62]I’mma bust you for Pac.God is on your top.Grab your glock. Especially when you hear I say drop. [03:43.37]I'm the rap of China.Wait,get up.You don’t want it with the rap god.Listen up. [03:48.03]说唱圈现在都是些臭鱼烂虾 [03:49.84]你参加有嘻哈像是个丑女扮花 [03:51.73]没办法我几下就能将逗比看怕 [03:53.48]我但怕看奇葩杯里的枸杞拌茶 [03:55.43]你们的嘴巴只会讲出废话 [03:57.11]押韵蠢得没法让我不尴尬 [03:59.06]你阿卡贝拉让我想起翠花 [04:00.70]像马思唯教贝贝如何穿搭 [04:02.83]你的技术只配去给埃米纳姆舔鞋 [04:04.65]Nicki比如支配你上外企雅虎看扁 [04:06.50]比起艺术只会满嘴歪理什么见解 [04:08.25]仅仅义务是对你这败笔答复kanye yo [04:10.59]我真的看不懂 [04:11.60]为什么你们总是要进到烂胡同 [04:13.42]说唱初心本是宣泄生活一种方式却被你们搞的乱七八糟全部往里弄