Lillian的内心独白 (伴奏) 作曲 : 夏思远 Lillian的内心独白 - NINEONE # 词:向涵 曲:夏思远 编曲:Amaj 录音棚:S.A.G Studio 混音/母带:刘俊杰 词曲OP:北京陆地音乐文化传媒有限公司 项目统筹/监制:姜晗@TME制作家 出品:腾讯音乐娱乐(制作家) Lillian is a dolphin When the sunrise her eyes like the broken kettle The tears keep on flowing Because she was about to lose home at soon Her companion was crying 想要躲进怀里 Why me why me 找不到蓝色外衣 The funny story I want it done by right away 道德站在外围 并非是帮凶 也会事与愿违 The funny love 被贪念注视着无处躲 没有喊出的声音最怕痛 欲望始终拉扯生命的缝 你为什么这样 看着我 心疼我 却始终还没赶来救我 没赶来救我 想要沉入海底 When the gray sky lets the high tide take it off Lillian saw me standing With the same grinning foolishly at them Her companion was crying 想要躲进怀里 Why me why me 找不到蓝色外衣 The funny story I want it done by right away 道德站在外围 并非是帮凶 也会事与愿违 The funny love 被贪念注视着无处躲 没有喊出的声音最怕痛 欲望始终拉扯生命的缝 你为什么这样 看着我 心疼我 却始终还没赶来救我 没赶来救我 想要沉入海底 When the gray sky lets the high tide take it off