[00:00.000] 作曲 : N/A [00:04.214] I think I've stayed in most of my relationships too long. [00:07.617] I was chasing a love and a life that I grew up seeing with my parents. [00:11.826] So it was more so about an idea in my head than the actual relationship that I had. [00:16.925] Also, I just didn't wanna be alone. [00:19.086] Growing up a brown skin girl, a fat girl, essentially growing up feeling undesirable... [00:24.206] When I got older and I had a man that desired me, it validated me, and made me feel good about myself. [00:29.994] Therefore, the content that the validation brought me was worth the actual pain that the relationship eventually brought, [00:37.953] and it's a sad, scary, and vulnerable place when you need to feel loved so much that you're willing to accept anything.