贸院之歌 迎着旭日 梦想张开翅膀 踏着春风 学子自强不息 我们相约相约在贸院 键盘叮咚 指点江山 书声朗朗 响彻云天 今日青春笑靥如花开 明日搏击长空似鹰翔 我们的理想是连接中国和世界 我们的希望是铸造海峡西岸的辉煌 In the morning sun dream opens wings on the spring breeze the top is our goal we gether together at the school of foreign trade Ding Dong keyboards to the mountains sound readings roar in the class Today youth blossoms merrily Tomorrow like a swam soars in the sky we're dreaming to clanned china into the word we're hoping to foster glory of the mainland 我们的理想是连接中国和世界 我们的希望是铸造海峡西岸的辉煌 海峡西岸的辉煌