[00:00.000] 作词 : hanji [00:01.000] 作曲 : hanji [00:19.181]来自外太空+ [00:20.676]他们都把狠货吸进了肺 而我写进了歌 [00:23.173]从不奢求大富大贵 想跟兄弟们 把酒高歌 [00:25.923]我知道这条路不平坦 也差点陷入沼泽 [00:28.677]困难早不放在心上 内心深处依旧燥热 [00:31.173]早看破了假的友谊 就像收到的垃圾短信 [00:33.921]我害怕日复一日年复一年 没有长进 [00:36.673]所以现在不分昼夜 work hard 我等待响应 [00:39.424]不管你信不信还是听不听 看我把成功绑定 [00:41.678]我只用作品说话用能力过招 从不打嘴炮 [00:44.671]二十四小时都不够我用 谁有空来陪你闹 [00:47.179]别说是我没礼貌拿起麦我就是比你燥 [00:49.920]早不在同一个水平线 麻烦别拿我做比较 [00:52.427]曾经幻想能跟他们一样 站在灯光下 [00:55.176]等我办到的那天还请 台下的你们别惊讶 [00:57.931]他说你没有翅膀怎么可能飞得高 [01:00.426]我说我站在巨人的肩膀上 所以不需要 [01:03.177]感受到了一股力量 就在站 舞台的那一刻 [01:05.928]音乐响起灯光打在我身上 让我觉得热 [01:08.618]他们的欢呼声像兴奋剂 让我一路走到这 [01:11.368]让我说句实话 这里牛逼的 到底有几个 [01:13.864]踩油门飙车 消失在黑夜里 [01:16.617]穿梭迷雾中 深不见底 [01:19.367]是哪传来的歌声 我打开了车灯 [01:22.107]镜子里的你说 没人能毁灭你 [01:24.614]u think you feel me? no i think you dont [01:26.866]they try not lock me down they don’t know what i’m on [01:29.607]don’t ask me how i did it, u know i be on the road [01:32.114]i’m speeding all the way cause' they try not take my soul [01:35.304]u think you feel me? no i think you dont [01:37.554]they try not lock me down they don’t know what i’m on [01:40.295]don’t ask me how i did it, u know i be on the road [01:42.802]i’m speeding all the way cause' they tryna take my soul [01:46.233]有时想把自己关押 让世界坍塌 [01:48.985]午夜的时钟啼嗒啼嗒 揭开我伤疤 [01:51.735]黑白的画面不停循环 该如何放下 [01:53.989]为了变得更强大 我把害怕给枪杀 [01:56.984]我又唱个八个八 鼓点炸开花 [01:59.234]悬崖之下往上爬 压力尽管往我身上压 [02:01.988]筹码不停地往上加 战力不停地往上刷 [02:04.738]只要战胜了我自己 我就是最后的大赢家 [02:07.233]他们在走平地 而我在爬楼梯 [02:09.729]说什么随便你 让他们吹牛逼 [02:12.482]告诉在家乡的兄弟们 都别担心 [02:15.232]有天我会带着战利品回来开香槟 [02:17.985]没有退路 我没有退路 [02:20.481]若是坠入了悬崖 粉身碎骨 [02:23.232]早赌下了所有筹码 所以不能退出 [02:25.985]原来不停向前 就是所谓的归宿 [02:28.480]u think you feel me? no i think you dont [02:30.988]they try not lock me down they don’t know what i’m on [02:33.484]don’t ask me how i did it, u know i be on the road [02:36.479]i’m speeding all the way cause' they try not take my soul [02:38.987]u think you feel me? no i think you dont [02:41.736]they try not lock me down they don’t know what i’m on [02:44.232]don’t ask me how i did it, u know i be on the road [02:46.986]i’m speeding all the way cause' they try not take my soul