光荣之路 作词 : 俞白眉/周辰 作曲 : 生命树_小王子 会害怕会心慌 I'm scared,I'm shocked 会无助也会迷茫 I feel helpless, I feel lost 从场下到场上路有多长 How many roadblocks must I knockout? 没人知遍体伤 Scarred and wounded 人群中四处望 Alone in the crowd 这一刻你还在我身旁吗? Are you still here by me now? 原来站在自己的阴影上 So this is what it’ s like to stand in my own shadow 多孤独独自去承受盛大的音浪 No matter the solitude I brave this storming show 把当下都遗忘 Forget the present 任心跳冲破胸膛 Keep the heart pumping 失败又怎样 Even if we failed, so what? 人生到头 Life is nothing 无非痛哭一场 but out- loud crying 把往事都遗忘 Forget the past 任心声旷野回响 Keep the heart pumping 哪怕哭一场 Even if we cried, so what? 又能怎样 Losing nothing 梦想在我手上 while freely dreaming 会害怕会心慌 I’ m scared, I’ m shocked 会无助也会迷茫 I feel helpless, I feel lost 从台下到台上路有多长 How many roadblocks must I knockout? 没人知遍体伤 Scarred and wounded 低下头凝神望 Head hang defeated 这一刻唯有你始终在我身旁 Only you stayed here with me now 永远站在自己的阴影上 Forever standing in my own shadow 多幸运你我共面对盛大的音浪 Together with you we brave this storming show 把屈辱都遗忘 Forget the humiliation 任心声冲破胸膛 Keep the heart pumping 赢了又怎样 Even if we won, so what? 人生到头 Life’ s nothing 无非痛哭一场 but out- loud crying 向着天迎着光 To the sky, to the light 满身泥泞也无妨 Ignore the muddiness from the fight 有爱的力量 Nothing matches 谁可阻挡 the power of love 你我四目对望 You and me gaze above 向着天迎着光 To the sky, to the light 满身泥泞也无妨 Ignore the muddiness from the fight 有爱的力量 Nothing matches 谁可阻挡 the power of love 我们奔向远方 you and me run afar 把往事都遗忘 Forget the past 任心声旷野回响 Keep the heart pumping 人生又怎样 Put aside the meaning of life 来过爱过 We’ re here, we’ ve loved 就是经历一场 A life fully experienced 把往事都遗忘 Forget the past 任心声旷野回响 Keep the heart pumping 人生又怎样 Put aside the meaning of life 来过爱过 We’ re here, we’ ve loved 就是经历一场 A life fully experienced 把往事都遗忘 Forget the past 任心声旷野回响 Keep the heart pumping 哪怕哭一场 Even if we cried, so what? 又能怎样 Losing nothing 梦想在我手上 while freely dreaming 把往事都遗忘 Forget the past 任心声旷野回响 Keep the heart pumping 哪怕哭一场 Even if we cried 又能怎样 So what? 我们一起翱翔 Together we are soaring 把往事都遗忘 Forget the past 任心事旷野回响 Keep the heart pumping 哪怕哭一场 Even if we cried 又能怎样 So what? 我们一起翱翔 Together we are soaring 编曲:生命樹_小王子 配唱制作人:孟宽 和声:王筱海 指挥:杨力/王欣 合唱:北京爱乐合唱团/人大附中金帆合唱团 童声独唱:王清圆 合唱编写:江辰曦 弦乐:国际首席爱乐乐团 音频编辑:陈冠男/张步若 混音立体声/杜比全景声:张步若 立体声/全景声母带: Marc Theriault@ Le Lab Mastering, Montreal 歌词翻译:周辰 音乐制作人 : 于飞