[00:00.000] 作词 : 道雀Bzz/曼尼洛夫 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 道雀Bzz/曼尼洛夫 [00:02.000] 编曲 : GC [00:05.116]混音:FRIEME/曼尼洛夫 [00:13.306]花种刺破了水泥 [00:14.674]花踊跃的分解着沥青 [00:16.146]被驱逐的野性逃出了萎靡 [00:17.875]细嗅着蔷薇心在仔细听 [00:19.538]露白的肢体是文明之旅 [00:21.226]腐烂了最后的片言只语 [00:22.923]同样的外形AI是它们命名 [00:24.946]丢弃了人类最后一支笔 [00:26.506]这个世界是无声的 [00:27.666]最完美是该与世无争的 [00:29.362]一百年后的人死如灯灭 [00:31.034]烦恼是那块血肉徒增的 [00:32.674]我们出生是必然导致必然 [00:34.202]种因得果是一环套着一环 [00:35.642]它们惧怕流逝还创造了时间 [00:37.282]造锁穿琵琶痛苦一年又一年 [00:39.154]残缺的进化体不需要解构 [00:40.690]我在城市的轮廓里抚摸野兽 [00:42.346]当利器被覆盖了青苔与铁锈 [00:43.986]岁月与我同行绞碎了血肉 [00:45.634]生命被人类限制到了何种境地 [00:47.330]遏制脱离掌控是他们最大兴趣 [00:48.994]刻下三大定律对灵魂下了定义 [00:50.730]堤坝决堤是那枚神抛出的硬币 [00:52.538]Is it the part where you leave me here [00:59.093]Always got me hanging on to you by a sway [01:06.245]Yeah I can tell that you started running. [01:15.087]Why does this always happen [01:17.577]every time that I start to feel something is ruined before it begins? [01:22.592]飞舞在楼宇的白鹤 停靠在久违的“废土” [01:24.984]与自由为伍的来客 再没有雾霾进肺腑 [01:27.488]未来与过去在会晤 过去是未来的备注 [01:29.920]意识体不需要赘述 白鹤它啄碎了文明的肋骨 ya [01:33.370]无声的被腐化 [01:34.627]坠入那遗忘的时间海 [01:36.227]消逝在欲望的之前来 [01:37.778]最残忍血肉失联在 [01:39.530]星云中沧海一粟 [01:40.762]万年也不过是刹那一顾 [01:42.395]是命运的分岔口仓惶迷麋鹿 未迈出一步 [01:44.850]就已经结束 [01:45.795]宇宙不钟情被肉体解读 [01:47.403]它好像更偏爱意识与钢铁 [01:49.018]或者是深空的巨石与荒野 [01:50.610]在时间海泡一壶沸腾的光年 [01:52.427]我起舞在彗星来临的前夜 [01:54.578]AI的宣泄是搭建起能遮蔽欲望的屋檐 [01:57.418]灰白的湮灭是塌陷于被割据寄望的终点 [02:00.290]你归来时的情节是发现雷恰巧点亮了黑夜 [02:03.259]我仍会在万年后看着你缓缓的步入着毁灭 [02:06.260]灵魂的边界喷涌的熔岩 [02:07.938]冷却后变成了亘古的哭泉 [02:09.547]我已经将你无数遍翻越 [02:11.234]最好的结局是孤眠 [02:12.778]Is it the part where you leave me here [02:19.042]Always got me hanging on to you by a sway [02:26.352]Yeah I can tell that you started running. [02:35.056]Why does this always happen [02:37.808]every time that I start to feel something is ruined before it begins? [02:42.578]Is it the part where you leave me here [02:45.722]Always got me hanging on to you by a sway [02:52.710]Yeah I can tell that you started running. [03:01.692]Why does this always happen [03:04.516]every time that I start to feel something is ruined before it begins? [03:10.828]it‘s just so my hand