七溜八溜 WAIYA 作词 : 万妮达 Vinida Weng/Min-G 面具 作曲 : 万妮达 Vinida Weng/HARIKIRI 编曲 : HARIKIRI 制作人 : HARIKIRI 混音 : Clinton “Headache” Walker III @The HeadRoom Global 母带 : Clinton “Headache” Walker III @The HeadRoom Global 制作团队 : IRIS CHENGDU 七溜八溜 (We can go anywhere) 游山玩水 (We can see the sights) 七溜八溜 (We can go anywhere) 游山玩水 (We can see the sights) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 鼓山脚 (Whether at Gushan) 南门兜 我如鱼得水 (or in the South, I call the shots) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 快活逍遥 (Life is beautiful) 谈天说地自得其乐 (Bragging about everything and relishing every moment) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 自信坦荡 (Brimming with confidence) 活得滋味返老还童 (The more I live the younger, the prettier I become) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 本领在身 (Gifted and talented) 有棱有⻆自然优雅 (The streets couldn’t mould me, cuz I’m just too classy) 如果问我 在福州上哪潇洒 (If you ask me where to go in Fuzhou) 话不多说 带你了解 (No worries, I’ll show you) 过眼云烟之外何为安逸 (what it means to really live life) 跟随我来 (Follow in my footsteps) 几夜 几日 几晚 (All the days that go by) 留在我心里的记号 (leave lasting memories in my heart) 为什么 我要 记住 (All I remember is) 为什么我舍不得离开 (Why I never want to leave) 八点半睡清醒 锅边来当早餐 (Wake up at eight thirty sharp and have “Guobian" breakfast ) 十点 来⻄湖左海 活筋动骨 (At ten go for a run around Xi Hu or Zuo Hai parks) 十二点我回到家 (By twelve I’m back at home) 荔枝肉配糯米饭 (Eat lychee with glutinous rice) 再会会周公 (Then take a nap and meet Zhuang Zhou) 其他事再与我无关 (To leave this world behind) 七溜八溜不离虎纠 (No matter where I go, there’s no place like Fuzhou) 呼朋唤友咔溜咔溜 (Pull up with my friends, it’s a vibe) 游山玩水不知疲倦 (We can go anywhere, and never get tired) 所有消遣如假包换 (It’s on me, I got you!) 七溜八溜不离虎纠 (No matter where I go, there’s no place like Fuzhou) 呼朋唤友咔溜咔溜 (Pull up with my friends, it’s a vibe) 游山玩水不知疲倦 (We can go anywhere, and never get tired) 所有消遣如假包换 (It’s on me, I got you!) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 鼓山脚 (Whether at Gushan) 南门兜 我如鱼得水 (or in the South, I call the shots) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 快活逍遥 (Life is beautiful) 谈天说地自得其乐 (Bragging about everything and relishing every moment) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 自信坦荡 (Brimming with confidence) 活得滋味返老还童 (The more I live the younger, the prettier I become) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 本领在身 (Gifted and talented) 有棱有⻆自然优雅 (The streets couldn’t mould me, cuz I’m just too classy) Say no more (无须多言) 温泉飘花温度刚刚好 (Hot springs with flowers floating, temperature’s just right) Say no more (无须多言) 洗净铅华疲惫也无藏 (Wash all my negativity away) 三点半收拾光鲜 (Pull up looking fresh at 3:30pm) 在茶馆摸几圈麻将 (Play a few rounds of mahjong at a tea house) 老人说福州来的命都要⻓一截 (No wonder they say people from Fuzhou live longer) 天暗了就 party (Party as the night falls) 好啊! (Let’s Go!) 五光十色 (What a colourful world) 才疯狂 (It’s crazy!) 一杯接一杯 (One shot after another) 好啊! (Let’s Go!) 别被手机困住 (Put down your phone, embrace the moment) 喝吧! (Drink up!) 耍起来就拦不住 (Can’t stop now the dance has begun) 天浑地暗都可以 (Even if the world turns upside down) 不管一切放宽心 (No matter what, leave your troubles behind) 今朝有酒今朝醉! (Tonight we drink, just live in the moment!) 七溜八溜不离虎纠 (No matter where I go, there’s no place like Fuzhou) 呼朋唤友咔溜咔溜 (Pull up with my friends, it’s a vibe) 游山玩水不知疲倦 (We can go anywhere, and never get tired) 所有消遣如假包换 (It’s on me, I got you!) 七溜八溜不离虎纠 (No matter where I go, there’s no place like Fuzhou) 呼朋唤友咔溜咔溜 (Pull up with my friends, it’s a vibe) 游山玩水不知疲倦 (We can go anywhere, and never get tired) 所有消遣如假包换 (It’s on me, I got you!) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 鼓山脚 (Whether at Gushan) 南门兜 我如鱼得水 (or in the South, I call the shots) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 快活逍遥 (Life is beautiful) 谈天说地自得其乐 (Bragging about everything and relishing every moment) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 自信坦荡 (Brimming with confidence) 活得滋味返老还童 (The more I live the younger, the prettier I become) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 本领在身 (Gifted and talented) 有棱有⻆自然优雅 (The streets couldn’t mould me, cuz I’m just too classy) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 七溜八溜不离虎纠 (No matter where I go, there’s no place like Fuzhou) 呼朋唤友咔溜咔溜 (Pull up with my friends, it’s a vibe) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 游山玩水不知疲倦 (We can go anywhere, and never get tired) 所有消遣如假包换 (It’s on me, I got you!) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 七溜八溜不离虎纠 (No matter where I go, there’s no place like Fuzhou) 呼朋唤友咔溜咔溜 (Pull up with my friends, it’s a vibe) WAIYA! (WAIYA!) 游山玩水不知疲倦 (We can go anywhere, and never get tired) 所有消遣如假包换 (It’s on me, I got you!) 哇哈! (WAHA!) 不吃糖就捣蛋! (Trick or treat)