Flier 作词 : 郑铭轩 作曲 : 阿来Deem-H.Havdalhan 阿来-Flier 作词:郑铭轩 作曲:阿来、Deem-H.Havdalhan 编曲:阿来、Deem-H.Havdalhan 混音:Ihlasio 录音:Kanat 制作人:阿来 OP :北京千亩稻田文化传播有限公司 发行公司:梦响当然音乐文化传播(上海)有限公司 风景倒退闪现回忆 点点滴滴feel so good 风吹日晒还有雨淋 你应该聆听 自然的声音 Because some things don't matter 还有阳光明媚 Don't matter There's nothing tangled Don't matter 就像向日葵 Even at night it's lonely Don't worry luck is coming You're just a flier Don't be afraid Just fly up Don't be afraid 就算未来可能狼狈 汗流浃背 Let's use a little lovely Just fly up How are you How are you Fly up How are you Flier 风景倒退闪现回忆 点点滴滴feel so good 风吹日晒还有雨淋 你应该聆听 自然的声音 Because some things don't matter 还有阳光明媚 Don't matter There's nothing tangled Don't matter 就像向日葵 Even at night it's lonely Don't worry luck is coming You're just a flier Don't be afraid Just fly up Don't be afraid 就算未来可能狼狈 汗流浃背 Let's use a little lovely Just fly up How are you How are you Fly up How are you Flier