Tequila Sunrise(Cover Eagles) 作词 : Eagels 作曲 : Eagels 歌曲:Tequila Sunrise 词曲:Eagles 演唱:李凡 混音:ZLW 录音:ZLW It's another tequila sunrise 又是一个龙舌兰日出 Starin' slowly 'cross the sky, said goodbye 太阳慢慢升起,划过天际,说声再见 He was just a hired hand 他只是一个普通的工人 Workin' on the dreams he planned to try 整天忙于实现他的梦想 The days go by 日子一天天过去 Ev'ry night when the sun goes down 每当每天太阳落下 Just another lonely boy in town 镇上就又多了一个孤独的男孩 And she's out runnin' 'round 但她还在四处游荡 She wasn't just another woman 她只是又一个普通的女人 And I couldn't keep from comin' on 但我就是止不住对她的爱恋 It's been so long 一直到现在都是如此 Oh, and it's a hollow feelin' when 哦,每当进展到朋友关系时, It comes down to dealin' friends 情感变得空虚 It never ends 这种感觉从未停止 Take another shot of courage 再鼓起一次勇气 Wonder why the right words never come 但就是好奇自己为何说不出情投意合的话 You just get numb 你开始变得愚蠢 It's another tequila sunrise,this old world 又是一个龙舌兰日出,这个旧世界 still looks the same, 看起来只是老样子 Another frame, mm... 只是换了另一个框框罢了