2Flu 作词 : Jackkk the X 作曲 : Jackkk the X Mix by Tozziy Cover by Kris & Nixgnos I don't know what the hell went wrong 有点发烫 但没有方向 I'm thinking life's too long I'mma stay young I'mma stay young what else you don' know 我觉得不够 我觉得不够 even though the beat so dope gotta keep low gotta keep low 那些二把刀真该靠后 全靠伴奏 我早看透 都是菜 还明争暗斗 观众看够 就靠我来善后 过去的就该过去该把过去的过去叫做历史 该过滤的还没过滤 但实在懒得把他们制止 其实一直有这个意识 开始计时我还没开始觅食 他们对誓词说着戏词 这事实不够适时 你在怀疑他打着太极这感觉来袭但不要太急都是菜 不要计较都没有必要不出意料的流水线制造can‘t make 记号 I don't wanna judge there is not much 都***没价值 都不够扎实 你在*** faking yourself lil trash I don't know what the hell went wrong 有点发烫 但没有方向 I'm thinking life's too long I'mma stay young I'mma stay young stay young untill I’m dying I’ll be trying 别靠的太近 该改进的还是要改进 keep on surviving 我没什么耐心 哪里都不太平 你还是快停 摆明了也不太行 they r approaching better get going 无知的憧憬 都不见了踪影 hold on hold on 慢一点 有些东西我都不想看一眼 know u want it但你不只差一点 no you not gonna get it无法避免 see? 我是不是说了 喝的有点多了 有些东西不可多得 挫折中无法破壳 那怎么获得 资格去以身作则 dude what r u saying there r people paying u gotta be kidding u don't own it you can't be taking don't always be chasing how u feel like wining 原地待命吧你不太行别再卖名了乖乖等你的裁定 嘘 别没耐心的只看排名的都回家隐姓埋名 no need to 难过 all night u‘ll be all right been a long fight won't be any spot light 感觉not quite sorry, not lie 事实是事实不会改变 如果世界是海底 你还在海面 有些东西不用千锤百炼 如果有机会 多听我歌几百遍 don't do it look into it u're gonna lose it before u knew it now is too late passed the due date better be quick we'll start a new wait imagine wut would I say I want it my way I do it my way now plz get off my way f*** those new wave I want it my way