230am (伴奏) 作曲 : 张紫宁 230am - 张紫宁 词 Lyrics by:张紫宁 曲 Composed by:张紫宁 编曲 Music Arranged by:许钧 制作人 Produced by:许钧 吉他Guitars by:许钧 贝斯Bass by:许钧 键盘 Keys by:许钧/黄歆婷 节奏编程 Beat Program by:许钧 和声编写&和声 Backing Vocal Arranged and Performed by:许钧 音乐编辑 Music Edited by:Sanbist Lin克昶 制作助理 Production Assisted by:Voit 混音母带 Mixed and Mastered by:Sanbist Lin克昶 音乐制作发行Produced & Distributed by:智慧大狗娱乐 出品人Presented by:张葛 监制 Supervised by:三石一声/崔轼玄 Or u gonna dance with me Or u gonna dance with me How about dance with me 又是凌晨两点半 怎么失眠到现在 话到嘴边说不出来 谁的秘密在窗外 梦话燃烧在炉台 猫跟我都很奇怪 Sixty hours u can rescue me Someone who can save me No one really cares but u Someone will leave but u 电视的精彩忘了关 Or u gonna dance with me How about dance with me 又是凌晨两点半 怎么失眠到现在 话到嘴边说不出来 谁的秘密在窗外 梦话燃烧在炉台 Sixty hours u can rescue me Someone who can save me No one really cares but u Someone will leave but u Sixty hours u can rescue me Someone who can save me No one really cares but u Someone will leave but u Or u gonna dance with me Or u gonna dance with me How about dance with me