超音速乐园(伴奏) 车手: ignite the fire, Just drive me around, in the sexy way! Make it loud! Enjoy the music, in the crazy day! Sweep me away, the lamborghini Wrap me In Light Bikini 西理: ignite the fire, Just drive me around, in the sexy way! Make it loud! Enjoy the music, in the crazy day! Sweep me away, the lamborghini Set me free, in the land of Bikini 车手: 无聊的真实不想再去感受 哪怕海市蜃楼 拿漂移漫游 快给我自由 西理: 选择去左右或继续被左右 别被世界扰流 对规则摇头 我已经自由 车手: ignite the fire, Just drive me around, in the sexy way! Make it loud! Enjoy the music, in the crazy day! Sweep me away, the lamborghini Wrap me In Light Bikini 西理: ignite the fire, Just drive me around, in the sexy way! Make it loud! Enjoy the music, in the crazy day! Sweep me away, the lamborghini Set me free, in the land of Bikini 车手: 无聊的真实不想再去感受 寻常路已受够 想换个星球 快给我自由 西理: 冲出这宇宙再造个新宇宙 有梦就不简陋 用想象协奏 我已经自由 车手: ignite the fire~~~~~~~ 西理: Make it loud~~~~~~ 车手: Sweep me away~~~~~~~~~~ 西理: Sweep me away, the lamborghini~~~~~~~ 合唱: 选择去左右或继续被左右 别被世界扰流 对规则摇头 我已经自由 冲出这宇宙再造个新宇宙 有梦就不简陋 用想象协奏 我已经自由 缩混:李轶哲@TalentUnion 吴哲旭@TalentUnion AI歌声制作:网易互娱AI Lab