巨人城的孤儿剪辑 作词、作曲、演唱、编曲、吉他:张若水 录音:张若水天台工作室、光合录音棚 混音:How High 母带:刘英 制作人:张若水 英文歌词翻译:江文宇 出品人:唐蕾 监制:史雷 项目统筹:蔡鸣 版权提供:成都玉林小酒馆文化发展有限公司 制作:成都小酒馆 站在鸿福路口Standing at the Central 望着车水马龙Gazing at the traffic 街上播着减肥广告Saying no to fitness flyers 王二提着一袋馒头Holding Chinese buns is John Doe 心里飞着飞机In his mind planes flying 手机保持联系Flight mode, batteries dying 巨人城每天都上演Town of Giants every night screening 加鸡腿的孤儿剪辑Special featured cheesy editing 花花是大龄女青年Jane Roe is overly mature 其她的一切都不大Her body underdeveloped 她和王二恋人未满Jane and John are not yet lovers 因此充满了饥饿感That’s why full of hunger they are 月亮又升起来咯Moon rises up in the sky 继续加班的十一路公交车Bus route triple-6 stops at the 13th 下一个双十一When comes next Black Friday 想去热血假日酒店They’re screaming in Holiday Inn 站在鸿福路口Standing at the Central 望着车水马龙Gazing at the traffic 街上播着减肥广告Saying no to fitness flyers 王二提着一袋馒头Holding Chinese buns is John Doe 心里飞着飞机In his mind planes flying 手机保持联系Flight mode, batteries dying 巨人城每天都上演Town of Giants every night screening 加鸡腿的孤儿剪辑Special featured cheesy editing 花花是大龄女青年Jane Roe is overly mature 其她的一切都不大Her body underdeveloped 她和王二恋人未满Jane and John are not yet lovers 因此充满了饥饿感That’s why full of hunger they are 月亮又升起来咯Moon rises up in the sky 继续加班的十一路公交车Bus route triple-6 stops at the 13th 下一个双十一When comes next Black Friday 想去热血假日酒店They’re screaming in Holiday Inn 月亮又升起来咯Moon rises up in the sky 还在加班的十一路公交车Bus route triple-6 stops at the 13th 加鸡腿的孤儿剪辑Special featured cheesy editing 巨人城每天都上演Town of Giants every night screening 月亮又升起来咯Moon rises up in the sky 继续加班的十一路公交车Bus route triple-6 stops at the 13th 下一个双十一When comes next Black Friday 想去热血假日酒店做梦They’re screaming in Holiday Inn 月亮又升起来咯Moon rises up in the sky 还在加班的十一路公交车Bus route triple-6 stops at the 13th 加鸡腿的孤儿剪辑Special featured cheesy editing 巨人城每天都上演Town of Giants every night screening