BACK TO YOU When You’re feeling alone With no one to hold, There’s no need to fear When You’re losing your hope Remember the love that brought you here Although the world it can leave us drifting Like home is so far away Take each day In embrace Let your smile lead the way Find ways to do what you love You’ll never have to give up So one day Someday soon You will find someone who Understands what you’re going through And the love will come back to you 嘿別害怕孤獨 前方的路途也許會辛苦 身在新的國度 要記得微笑才是歸宿 只要這世界的愛在蔓延 家就不會太遙遠 去擁抱每一天 翻開新的章節 人生像一場歷練 去解鎖不同冒險 向星空許個願 願初心不會變 這一路創造的起伏 才是最精彩的旅途 呐呐呐呐呐呐 呐呐呐呐呐呐 呐呐呐呐呐呐 Just a smile will do 呐呐呐呐呐呐 呐呐呐呐呐呐 呐呐呐呐呐呐 And you’ll see it come back to you Take each day in embrace Let your smile lead the way Find ways to do what you love And love each day as it comes 去擁抱每一天 翻開新的章節 人生像一場歷練 去解鎖不同冒險 向星空許個願 願初心不會變 這一路創造的起伏 才是最精彩的旅途 And the love will come back to you