dress U look pretty in that dress U look pretty in that dress(16) Okay i take it back Everything i said Everything i did You dont understand Thats not what i meant U done made me sit i didnt give a shit Yea,yea Yea,yea Im just jealous how u make it look so effortless makes it hard for me to try to make an effort yea when i try, u end up always doing better yea But when i'm insecure i think about the better days U look pretty in that dress U look pretty in that dress But now i look right in the mirror and I see what ive become And im not very happy with myself I wanna run Away from all the things that make me feel like im someone Ive tried so many time to make it right but now im done IM A QUIET PERSON BUT IM SCREAMING IN THE DARK AND NO ONE ****ING HEARS ME CUZ I MUTE MYSELF A LOT I TRY TO KEEP IT SILENT IN THE DAY BUT DAM ITS HARD AND YESTERDAY I SCREAMED SO ****ING LOUDLY IN THE CAR And even though Im better than before I still feel worthless Ive tried so many times to make it right and make it perfect And after all this time ive figured that its just not worth it Go and lock the doors so i can hide behind my curtains U look pretty in that dress U look pretty in that dress U look pretty in that dress U look pretty in that dress(12)