[00:00.000] 作词 : 施鑫文月/小老虎/周士爵 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 也是福 [00:21.61]施鑫文月: Forever changing [00:23.34] You’ re destined to [00:25.93] Catapilars born to fly in the woods [00:29.83] Butterflies would fall to the ground [00:33.76] Don’ t look back, future is not the past [00:37.91] Forever changing [00:39.95] You’ re destined to [00:42.03] Catapilars would fly in the woods [00:46.05] Butterflies would one day crash and die [00:50.22] Don’ t look back, the present is why I love my ****ing self [00:52.38]周士爵:你的热情自爱冷酷自毁 [00:54.39]你的无聊和自私重复和自卑 [00:56.46]你的 认知神智自我肤浅 [00:58.38]你的 公正和背叛忠诚和敷衍 [01:00.42]你的友好冲突庸常和极端 [01:02.43]你的憎恨和表面自负和贪婪 [01:04.41]你的忧伤内心选择和习惯 [01:06.48]你的快乐和喜欢追求和习惯 [01:09.03]小老虎:太保守 [01:10.08]曾经土鳖,以为看网页就等于看世界 [01:12.90] Too simple [01:13.59]曾以为情感可以精确 [01:15.18]人性的复杂被忽略,不真诚 [01:17.58]假嬉皮故作神圣,很敷衍 [01:19.68]不同的意见,直到走出了边境线 [01:22.17]诚实牌好奇心口服液让脑细胞裂变 [01:25.17]心即是白云,变幻随你呼吸 [01:27.30]你若淋着雨,就成为了雨滴 [01:29.22]我要一直问,如果没人能够回答我 [01:31.26]我一直滚,一个吻,也可以是进化论 [01:33.54]听见火星上第一个婴儿的啼哭 [01:35.55]听见你脂肪的岩浆喷出你皮肤 [01:37.41]听见一个老人把他过去倒进火山口 [01:39.42]听见一次剧烈裂变发生在你心里头 [01:41.40]干杯,用你的眼泪,干杯 [01:44.46]与你的后悔,干杯 [01:46.11]喝掉你倒霉 [01:47.16]干掉你惭愧,不醉不归 [01:49.92]往你伤口上撒盐 [01:51.69]然后用你的伤口去舔 [01:53.70]往你火上浇油 [01:54.99]烧它个干干净净白茫茫一片 [01:58.43]施鑫文月: Forever changing [02:00.45] You’ re destined to [02:02.77] Catapilars born to fly in the woods [02:06.75] Butterflies would fall to the ground [02:10.87] Don’ t look back, future is not the past [02:14.74] Forever changing [02:16.70] You’ re destined to [02:18.77] Catapilars would fly in the woods [02:22.84] Butterflies would one day crash and die [02:26.88] Don’ t look back, the present is why I love my ****ing self [02:29.49]周士爵:眼花缭乱地调转着你的注意力 [02:31.05]一条死路没想到是你想要的目的地 [02:33.09]被封闭的生机的呼吸器 [02:35.10]悲观抱着生计既得抱着利益 [02:37.11]你死我活在现代是尚未开化 [02:39.15]绝望不难这是你许诺的未来吗 [02:41.34]埋下不明是非的种子:诅咒 [02:43.20]别说跟你不熟就算亲骨肉 [02:45.21]一口气买下了源头给你点甜头 [02:47.52]忘却了同一个心变烫的原由 [02:49.47]扭曲的标准忍忍忍 [02:51.24]如果人不值得信任那我选择信任 [02:53.07]因为相信尊严可以促使人的进步 [02:55.32]为了结束极度不公正的介入 [02:57.48]为了解除公然对自由的亵渎 [02:59.31]浑身解数杰出帮他谢幕 [03:02.61]施鑫文月: Forever changing [03:04.96] You’ re destined to [03:07.19] Catapilars born to fly in the woods [03:11.23] Butterflies would fall to the ground [03:15.33] Don’ t look back, future is not the past [03:19.20] Forever changing [03:20.97] You’ re destined to [03:23.30] Catapilars would fly in the woods [03:27.27] Butterflies would one day crash and die [03:31.43] Don’ t look back, the FUTURE is why I love my ****ing self [03:25.50] Recorded By小老虎,尹冲,施鑫文月 [03:28.98] Mixed By Cy. S@ Quark Studio,也是福 [03:33.42] Mastered By Cy. S@ Quark Studio [03:34.29] Design By金鹿