[00:00.00] 作词 : 饭卡 [00:00.29] 作曲 : 饭卡/Johann Pachelbel [00:00.59] 编曲 : Eileen Shan Zou [00:00.88] 改编词 : 饭卡 [00:01.18] 原曲 : Johann Pachelbel [00:01.48] 改编曲 : 饭卡 [00:01.78] 原曲:Johann Pachelbel [00:02.36] 改编曲:饭卡 [00:03.15] 改编词:饭卡 [00:03.90] 编曲:Eileen Shan Zou [00:04.70] 弦乐编写:Eileen Shan Zou [00:05.49] 吉他:廖佑祥 [00:06.29] 乐团:国际首席爱乐 [00:07.06] 第一小提琴:张琴 [00:07.87] 第二小提琴:王大毛 [00:08.31] 中提琴:何辉 [00:08.74] 大提琴:张平 [00:09.10] 弦乐录音:王昆@2496 Top Music [00:09.49] 音频编辑:官硕 [00:09.89] 混音:官硕 [00:10.29] 母带:官硕 [00:11.02] 音乐监制:陈红/胡霓 [00:11.79] 音乐统筹:胡霓 [00:12.60] 音乐发行:黄咏竹/吴哲宇 [00:13.41] 出品:哔哩哔哩音乐制作中心 [00:14.04] We used to be just strangers in different worlds [00:14.04] 曾经我们只是来自不同世界的陌生人 [00:17.17] I've never ever thought we would be this close [00:17.17] 我从未想过我们会如此亲密无间 [00:20.35] Our memories turn into unbreakable bond [00:20.35] 如同神奇咒语一般,牢不可破的情谊 [00:23.43] You always got my back before I know [00:23.43] 总是在我身后毫不犹豫地给我支持 [00:26.63] Remember all the views, we've seen down the road [00:26.63] 记得我们一路上看过的那么多风景吗 [00:29.79] The twinkles in your eyes, they never get old [00:29.79] 你充满微光的眼睛,我也会一直铭记 [00:32.89] We dancing on the grass, and singing the folk [00:32.89] 我们在草地上舞蹈,唱起民谣小调 [00:36.07] Whenever I'm with you, I feel just like home [00:36.07] 和大家在一起的时光,我感受到了家的温暖 [00:40.24] Has been a while, since got apart [00:40.24] 也有一阵子了吧,我们曾短暂分离 [00:43.12] But you got a place, right in my heart [00:43.12] 但你永远会在心里有一个特殊的位置 [00:45.57] Don't hesitate to call me anytime [00:45.57] 如果任何时候想起我,不要犹豫来找我 [00:48.35] I'll be ready whenever you are [00:48.35] 只要你下定了启程的决心,我一定与你一同出发 [00:51.30] My friend can't you see [00:51.30] 我亲爱的朋友,相信你也看出来了 [00:52.39] This is meant to be [00:52.39] 像是命中注定一般 [00:54.17] I'm standing by your side right in the breeze [00:54.17] 在这阵惬意微风中,我将与你并肩前行 [00:57.33] Unconditionally [00:57.33] 如此毫无保留地 [00:58.71] So sweet and cozy [00:58.71] 温馨而惬意 [01:00.53] The perfect harmony [01:00.53] 最动人而和谐的合音 [01:01.81] of you and me [01:01.81] 来自我和你 [01:03.85] Just follow my lead [01:03.85] 和我一起向前吧 [01:05.05] I'll always be [01:05.05] 我永远都会 [01:06.79] The keeper of our precious memory [01:06.79] 忠诚守护我们宝贵的共同记忆 [01:10.02] You always have the seat [01:10.02] 不论何时何地 我身旁的空位 [01:11.38] Right next to me [01:11.38] 会一直为你而留 [01:13.08] I'll play this melody [01:13.08] 循环着这段旋律 [01:14.53] so tenderly [01:14.53] 轻柔无比 [01:16.05] til we meet again [01:16.05] 直到与你重逢在花季 [01:20.24] New story will begin when summer arrives [01:20.24] 当夏天再次到来之时,便是新的故事启程之日 [01:23.43] I know that you'll be there, and join me this time [01:23.43] 我知道你一定会在那里等我,这次也要一起出发 [01:26.60] Whenever you feel lost, just look at the sky [01:26.60] 但如果你迷失了方向,请抬头看看天空 [01:29.74] I'll keep my promise that we'd be alright [01:29.74] 请记住我们的约定,我们都会好的 [01:32.84] Remember all the nights we spent by the fire [01:32.84] 记得我们在篝火旁的夜晚吗 [01:36.05] We opened up our mind, and share the starlight [01:36.05] 我们对着漫天星光,对彼此敞开心扉 [01:39.21] For all the love and blessing, all the goodbyes [01:39.21] 所有的爱和祝福,甚至是短暂的告别 [01:42.40] Can't tell you how much I have enjoyed the ride [01:42.40] 我无法形容,我有多么幸运与你共赴这一趟征程 [01:46.52] Has been a while, since got apart [01:46.52] 也有一阵子了吧,我们曾短暂分离 [01:49.48] But you got a place, right in my heart [01:49.48] 但你永远会在心里有一个特殊的位置 [01:51.90] Don't hesitate to call me anytime [01:51.90] 如果任何时候想起我,不要犹豫来找我 [01:54.74] I'll be ready whenever you are [01:54.74] 只要你下定了启程的决心,我一定与你一同出发 [01:57.60] My friend can't you see [01:57.60] 我亲爱的朋友,相信你也看出来了 [01:58.75] This is meant to be [01:58.75] 像是命中注定一般 [02:00.54] I'm standing by your side right in the breeze [02:00.54] 在这阵惬意微风中,我将与你并肩前行 [02:03.55] Unconditionally [02:03.55] 如此毫无保留地 [02:04.97] So sweet and cozy [02:04.97] 温馨而惬意 [02:06.79] The perfect harmony [02:06.79] 最动人而和谐的合音 [02:08.16] of you and me [02:08.16] 来自我和你 [02:10.17] Just follow my lead [02:10.17] 和我一起向前吧 [02:11.36] I'll always be [02:11.36] 我永远都会 [02:13.08] The keeper of our precious memory [02:13.08] 忠诚守护我们宝贵的共同记忆 [02:16.32] You always have the seat [02:16.32] 不论何时何地 我身旁的空位 [02:17.68] Right next to me [02:17.68] 会一直为你而留 [02:19.49] I'll play this melody [02:19.49] 循环着这段旋律 [02:20.85] so tenderly [02:20.85] 轻柔无比 [02:22.35] til we meet again [02:22.35] 直到与你重逢在花季 [02:35.43] My friend can't you see [02:35.43] 我亲爱的朋友,相信你也看出来了 [02:36.57] This is meant to be [02:36.57] 像是命中注定一般 [02:38.44] I'm standing by your side right in the breeze [02:38.44] 在这阵惬意微风中,我将与你并肩前行 [02:41.53] Unconditionally [02:41.53] 如此毫无保留地 [02:42.95] So sweet and cozy [02:42.95] 温馨而惬意 [02:44.69] The perfect harmony [02:44.69] 最动人而和谐的合音 [02:46.11] of you and me [02:46.11] 来自我和你 [02:48.04] Just follow my lead [02:48.04] 和我一起向前吧 [02:49.21] I'll always be [02:49.21] 我永远都会 [02:51.00] The keeper of our precious memory [02:51.00] 忠诚守护我们宝贵的共同记忆 [02:54.13] You always have the seat [02:54.13] 不论何时何地 我身旁的空位 [02:55.51] Right next to me [02:55.51] 会一直为你而留 [02:57.30] I'll play this melody [02:57.30] 循环着这段旋律 [02:58.66] so tenderly [02:58.66] 轻柔无比 [03:00.20] til we meet again [03:00.20] 直到与你重逢在花季 [03:06.67] til we meet again [03:06.67] 直到与你重逢在花季 [03:07.45] 弦乐编写 : Eileen Shan Zou [03:08.23] 吉他 : 廖佑祥 [03:09.01] 乐团 : 国际首席爱乐 [03:09.79] 第一小提琴 : 张琴 [03:10.58] 第二小提琴 : 王大毛 [03:11.36] 中提琴 : 何辉 [03:12.14] 大提琴 : 张平 [03:12.92] 弦乐录音 : 王昆@2496 Top Music [03:13.70] 音频编辑 : 官硕 [03:14.49] 混音 : 官硕 [03:15.27] 母带 : 官硕 [03:16.05] 音乐监制 : 陈红/胡霓 [03:16.83] 音乐统筹 : 胡霓 [03:17.61] 音乐发行 : 黄咏竹/吴哲宇 [03:18.40] 出品 : 哔哩哔哩音乐制作中心