1Es Dur no Piano Sen
2Silent Jealousy
4Desperate Angel
5White wind from
6Voiceless Screaming
7Stab Me in the Back
8Love Replica
10Say Anything
11Silent Jealousy(Instrumental Tracks)
12Miscast(Instrumental Tracks)
13Desperate Angel (Instrumental Tracks)
14Voiceless Screaming(Instrumental Tracks)
15Stab Me In The Back(Instrumental Tracks)
16Joker(Instrumental Tracks)
17Say Anything(Instrumental Tracks)
Perfect Best
(1983) Chiba Awa High School Festival ~Bunka Matsuri~
Endless Dream (Demo Tape)
Vanishing Vision
3Forever Love
4i'll kill you (very early version)no mc ment
5i'll kill you (very early version)+ toshi mc ment
6we are x (early version of we are x) no mc ment
7we are x (early version of we are x) + toshi mc ment
8in the mirror (loudness)no mc ment
9in the mirror (loudness) + toshi mc ment
10yoshiki drum solo + toshi mc ment